So what is the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant & What Does It Cover?

The Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant is a payment which may be claimed by qualifying applicants who are turning a vacant house or building into their permanent home.  The grant can also be used for buildings which have not previously been purposed as homes.

Initially the grant was only made available to vacant buildings in regional towns and villages, but has recently been amended to include property's in city's and rural areas.

The grant is funded by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage through the Croí Cónaithe (Towns) Fund and offers a grant of up to €30,000 for qualifying applicants.

If the refurbishment costs exceed the standard grant of up to €30,000, a top-up grant amount of up to €20,000 is available under the Derelict Property Top-Up Grant(where applicable).

Qualification Details:

To qualify for the grant, you must:

  • have proof of ownership or evidence of active negotiations to buy the property (that is, confirmation of engagement from the estate agent or owner of the property) where you are seeking approval in principle for a grant
  • live in the property as your principal private residence. This grant is not available to developers/undertakings or applicants who want to rent out the property
  • have proof that the property has been vacant for at least 2 years and that it was built before 1993
  • fall under one of the categories outlined in the Framework of Priorities. The full Framework of Priorities is on the application form

You Will Need To Provide The Following:

  • a quotation(s) in respect of the works proposed
  • an independent report confirming the property is structurally unsound and dangerous (if seeking top up grant for works to a derelict property) or confirmation that it is on the Derelict Sites Register, where applicable
  • any other supporting documentation that your local authority may request to support your application

To Apply:

Complete the application form here and submit to your relevant local authority.